This holiday season, when there is too much to do and not enough time to do it, give yourself the gift of grace.
G. Generosity – Try not to be too harsh or judgmental towards yourself or others. Walk through the world with a spirit of generosity. Others are doing the best they can in the moment and so are you. Be generous with yourself and others as you navigate this busy time of year.
R. Relaxation – Allow yourself to relax. Drop your shoulders, roll your head, and breathe into your tense muscles. Just relax and know that you are safe right now. Give yourself the gift of relaxing into the present moment.
A. Acceptance – Accept that whatever is happening is happening. Accept yourself with all of your flaws. Accept the people around you and your situation -- even if it's not what you envisioned. It might be painful at times, but accepting things as they are can be freeing.
C. Curiosity – Be curious about why people behave the way they do. Be curious about why you behave the way that you do. Have questions (rather that judgment) about the motivation and meaning of what is happening around you. And finally,
E. Empathy – Give the gift of empathy. Realize that suffering goes hand-in-hand with living. Everyone around you is suffering in their own way. Have compassion and empathy for your own plight. Acknowledge that you hope for ease, peace, and happiness, but be there for yourself and others when those things feel out of reach.
This season is busy, hectic, and stressful. As you think about what to give others, remember to give yourself the gift of GRACE. 🌟